You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'where a.status = 1 group by a.id order by a.ordering' at line 10 SQL=select a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ao.name ORDER BY ao.name asc SEPARATOR ',') options, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ao.id ORDER BY ao.name asc SEPARATOR ',') optionsIDS, at.code as attributeTypeCode, ca.value as attributeValue from #__jbusinessdirectory_attributes a left join #__jbusinessdirectory_attribute_types AS at on at.id=a.type left join #__jbusinessdirectory_attribute_options as ao on ao.attribute_id = a.id left join #__jbusinessdirectory_company_attributes AS ca on ca.attribute_id = a.id and ca.company_id= where a.status = 1 group by a.id order by a.ordering

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